Welcome to Get Thirsty. We’re passionate about sharing what we’ve learned from planning events in Austin for many bar-fueled years. We hope this blog, along with The Drink Calculator, provide valuable information + inspire you to try new things.


but first, coffee

but first, coffee

There is a whole coffee culture now that even has “master tasters”, the sommelier of the coffee world. We l-o-v-e coffee around the Craven + Co. office. You might even say we rely on it (read: are addicted). We know the coffee we love, but don’t know the nuances of each taste profile.  

For your party, if you want to keep it as simple as possible, we recommend ordering a coffee traveler from your favorite coffee shop. Our favorite is Epoch Coffee in Austin. Most carry these disposable boxes that hold 96 ounces and are easy to pour into cups. Typically the shops will include sugar and cream too, so you can check it all off your list.

If you want to serve it in a nice urn, like this stainless steel coffee dispenser, you can still order the coffee travelers, so that the coffee is ready to serve and guaranteed to be good. We love this copper cream and sugar set by Bodum too.

The next level for your coffee is having a barista serving coffee drinks to order from behind a bar.  If you want the coffee to be more than just coffee, this is how you do it.  Everyone loves to order their favorite coffee drink exactly the way they like it.  At this level, your coffee becomes an activity. Combine fun and caffeine, and you’ll be everyone’s favorite!

coffee bar photos from one of our favorite local austin vendors, moontower event rentals.

fresh squeezed

fresh squeezed